Worker freedom is around the corner in Wisconsin

March 5, 2015

by Nick Novak

Originally published by

Wisconsin is getting closer and closer to becoming the 25th right-to-work state in the country, and it has sparked a very heated debate at the state Capitol in Madison.

The unions held three rallies last week – each garnering nearly 3,000 protesters. The attempts to intimidate supporters of right-to-work will likely fall on deaf ears, though.

Yes, the news cameras will focus on the protests and try to make comparisons to four years ago when Wisconsin passed Act 10 – Gov. Scott Walker’s public-sector collective bargaining reforms. However, these protests are miniscule when compared to those surrounding Act 10.

What is similar to the protests four years ago is that the ones screaming in the capitol rotunda are still the ones without any facts to back up their claims. They can only rely on animated and over-the-top rhetoric that typically boils down to personal attacks.

In the past week, Walker has been compared to dictators, called a terrorist and threatened with yet another recall election. The protesters know that if they wanted to have a real conversation about the policy, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

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