Nick Novak Speaks with FOX11 About Manufacturing Workers Being Excluded from Vaccinations

GREEN BAY – We now know who’s next in line to get the COVID-19 vaccine, as a part of Wisconsin’s Phase 1B rollout. But, despite being urged by Wisconsin Manufacturing & Commerce, the state’s largest business lobbying group, manufacturing workers are still excluded.

Teachers, child care workers, essential workers and even prisoners are among those who will be able to get vaccinated as early as March 1. But, that doesn’t include manufacturing workers — a group WMC says has the most essential of workers in it.

“It’s just really disappointing that we have prisoners that are going to be eligible for a vaccine, that our state’s largest industry, and an industry that has responded and been critical to the state’s response to COVID-19, are being excluded,” said Nick Novak, VP of communications and marketing for WMC.

From the onset of the pandemic, manufacturing workers had been considered essential. That’s why WMC believes they shouldn’t be viewed any differently now.

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