Nick Novak Joins Rhinelander’s Newswatch 12 to Kick Off Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin

RHINELANDER – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) and Johnson Financial Group are once again holding the Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin contest. In its sixth year, the contest aims to highlight Wisconsin’s top industry and all of the cool products manufactured in the state. WMC’s Nick Novak spoke with Peter Dubois on Monday morning to[…]

Nick Novak Joins 1230AM WCLO to Discuss the Impact of COVID-19 on the Business Community

JANESVILLE – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) released data this week that showed 64% of Wisconsin businesses had a negative financial impact from COVID-19 and the subsequent government shutdowns. Nick Novak, VP of Communications at WMC, joined 1230AM WCLO in Janesville to discuss the release of this data and talk about how the business community[…]

Nick Novak Pushes Back at Gov. Evers’ Fragmented Workforce Initiative with Green Bay’s WBAY-TV

GREEN BAY – Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers visited Titletown Tech Wednesday to discuss what he calls a “groundbreaking $130 million investment in workforce solutions.” The governor’s administration says funds will be invested into the workforce through three programs. The governor says the goal is to address the state’s post-COVID-19 workforce needs in filling job openings[…]

Nick Novak Express Concern with Governor’s Workforce Plan on Milwaukee’s CBS58

MILWAUKEE – Gov. Tony Evers announced he will invest $130 million in federal funds into grant programs aimed at addressing workforce challenges facing the state that has worsened since the pandemic. Gov. Evers $130 million plan includes three new programs, Workforce Innovation, Worker Advancement, and Worker Connection all aimed to improve Wisconsin’s workforce. Evers’ announcement[…]

Nick Novak Details New Survey of Wisconsin Businesses on Workforce with WBAY-TV in Green Bay

GREEN BAY – Those help wanted signs keep growing as many businesses say they’re struggling to keep the doors open. On Wednesday, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce released results of a new survey highlighting the problem impacting about 86% of employers statewide. Along Bellevue Street just outside KI, there’s a row of help wanted signs as[…]

Nick Novak Expresses Concern About the Worker Shortage on Wisconsin Public Radio

MADISON – Wisconsin’s state-run job centers are back open for walk-in consultations with job seekers for the first time in more than a year. The state Department of Workforce Development announced Tuesday that the centers, which closed most in-person services as a COVID-19 pandemic precaution early in 2020, have reopened their doors for in-person consultations.[…]

Nick Novak Explains to WISN12 How Expanded Unemployment Benefits are Contributing to the Workforce Shortage

MILWAUKEE – Gov. Tony Evers defended the additional $300 a week in federal unemployment benefits being allocated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His position comes despite business groups calling on him to immediately stop the payments. Critics argue the additional money is a major factor in the state’s workforce shortage. “First of all, I’d[…]