Whatever happened to limited government, personal responsibility?

December 3, 2014 by Nick Novak Originally published by The Washington Times. I had to laugh a little at the timing of the latest regulatory announcement from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Last week, the FDA approved a little-known regulation of Obamacare that will force restaurants, gas stations and grocery stores – and most other businesses that serve fresh food[…]

Time to permanently fix the Medicare ‘Doc Fix’

November 26, 2014 by Nick Novak Originally published by The Washington Times. Washington is primed for Medicare reform. If nothing is done, the trust fund that covers the hospital bills for nearly 50 million Americans will run out in less than two decades. It is imperative that congressional leaders take action because it would be immoral for the government to break its[…]

States should take on bold tax reform

November 11, 2014 by Nick Novak Originally published by The Washington Times. It is often said that elections have consequences. But the Nov. 4 results are not as important as the policies that should follow. It doesn’t matter whether someone is a Republican or a Democrat, it matters how they decide to spend (or not spend) taxpayer[…]